Claremont Congregational Church


Giving is a vital part of our personal spiritual life. It is a way of glorifying God, and an offering of thanksgiving for all He gives to us.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 16:1 and 2:
Now, concerning what you wrote about the money to be raised to help God's people …. You must do what I told the churches in Galatia to do. Every Sunday each of you must put aside some money, in proportion to what you have earned….

We have various ways in which financial giving takes place.

Stewardship / Planned Giving

Every Church needs to budget it’s finances, and a planned giving system allows us to do just that. Therefore we would urge all our members to help us by being a part of this programme. Each year the church holds a Stewardship campaign where letters are sent out to every member of the church urging them to pledge an amount for the coming year. The amount pledged may be given weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Envelopes are given so that the pledge amount may be monitored.
Our banking details will be given to anyone who wishes to pay by Internet banking or direct deposit.


Another important way of giving is the Offering which is taken at every worship service.


A way to thank God for any extra financial payment received is by giving an additional donation to the Church. Our Church has been very blessed in the past by those who have done this. It has often made a difference in the balancing of the Churches financial accounts.


Many people are unable to give financially as they would like, as there are times when finances are very tight. Leaving a bequest is a simple way of blessing the church in death in a way that was not possible in life.


We hold fundraising events throughout the year. Congregational meals, Concerts, and Raffles. But our main event is our annual Fete. This is the only item that appears under two headings – the other one is ‘Fellowship’ - because amid all the hard work so much fun is had. We encourage all our members to participate in these events as it helps not only to raise funds but to build friendships.